by Sabrina Williams|Staff Writer
For those who are too lazy to try to hunt down all of the different clubs Johnson has to offer, here are three standouts to keep an eye out for this school year. These particular organizations are unique and engaging, and will most likely keep your attention during their advertisements on simulcast, or maybe they already have.

The Red Cross Club:
No, the Red Cross Club isn’t only for students who want to perform brain surgeries. It is primarily a community service organization that is directly affiliated with the real Red Cross, which looks really good on college applications. However, they do give free training in CPR, water safety, and official babysitting. See Mrs. Arechiga or Rosemary Pfaff for more information.
The Video Gaming Design Club:
This one is still trying to get its feet off the ground, but promises to be exciting and real. The founder, senior Bradley Dolph, aims to take advantage of the now respectable video gaming business, and even plans to major in video game designing when he goes to college. His intentions for the club are serious; he wants to motivate and inspire others into an honest career. Who better to learn and share with than an aspiring designer himself?
Philosophy Club:
And finally, for all of the intellects, there is the philosophy club to satisfy your sophisticated taste buds. Although this one is still in the works as well, it is pretty much guaranteed for approval. Keep in touch with Mr.Valderama for updates and more information.
Are none of these for you? Then pitch your own idea to a teacher, find out if they or anyone else wants to be a sponsor. You will need a Club constitution, regular meeting times that are flexible for all students (no meeting during school), distribute hazing tests throughout your organization, and a reasonable amount of starting members. See A.P. Steve Magadance to submit your idea or for any more questions.