by Sumner Strickland | staff writer
One of the most major upsets took place last night as Homeland secured the best dramatic series, but did it really deserve it? Here’s a list of who won and who should’ve won.
Writing in a dramatic series,Winners: Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon, and Giedon Raff “Homeland”Who should’ve won: “Mad Men.” It’s preposterous that Homeland would come even close to winning. There’s a reason “Mad Men” is the best show on TV – because it has the best writing. I’ve seen a few episodes of “Homeland” and it’s not on a par with “Mad Men” in any way. Granted they’re two completely different types of shows, but the year that “Mad Men” finally secures a Beatles song it gets the shaft on every category. Well, that’s the Emmys for you.
Writing in a comedic series, Winner: Louie C.K., “Louie” Who should’ve won: “Louie.” The award rightfully placed in one of my favorite comedians of all time, and even on TV he doesn’t hold back on his opinions about anything for anyone – a good choice on the Emmy’s part.
Lead actress in a comedic series Winner: Julia Louie Dreyfus, “Veep.” Who should’ve won: Amy Poehler, “Parks in Recreation.” Poehler is just a funnier leading actress in almost anything that she does. The last time that Dreyfus should’ve won an Emmy was in the 90’s when she was on “Seinfeld” – but it should’ve ended there. I personally feel Amy Poehler was robbed.
Lead Actor in a comedic series Winner: Jon Cryer, “Two and Half Men” Who should’ve won: Louie C.K. “Well it’s clear that the Emmy’s are not about who’s best anymore” said an angry fan on the Emmy’s website, and I couldn’t agree more. Cryer is the most insufferable person in “Two and a Half Men” and Ashton Kutcher’s on the show. Now that’s saying something.
Lead Actress in a Dramatic series Winner: Claire Danes, “Homeland.” Who should’ve won: Elizabeth Moss. Honestly, both actresses did just as good – but Moss was who I wanted to see with the win.
Lead Actor in a Dramatic series Winner: Damian Lewis, “Homeland.” Who should’ve won: Bryan Cranston, “Breaking Bad.” Some people have a problem with Cranston winning every year, but I have zero problem with it. You know why? Because he deserved to win every year, that’s why. And until someone can really be better than him, no one else should win an Emmy except Walt Whitman.
Best Comedic Series, Winner: “Modern Family.” Who should’ve won: Modern Family. It just stands to reason, the best should always win.
Best Dramatic Series,Winner: “Homeland.” Who should’ve won: “Mad Men.” If “Mad Men” hadn’t won then “Breaking Bad” should’ve taken the spot. But “Homeland?” Come on. In its first season too. It’s just insulting to the people who’ve been working hard enough for it and get the shaft in every category.