Claire Carter| Staff Writer

Halloween- a time for children to praise the makers of Reese’s, M&M’s, and Kit Kat’s for making super delicious sweet treats for the end of October. A time for groups of naïve teenagers to run out of haunted houses screaming and clutching on to friends who made them go. The real Halloween tradition, trick-or-treating, promises a fun time and regretful bloat sessions. But when it comes to the candy centered fun, how old is too old?
Trick-or-treating gives kids a reason to binge on their favorite sweets while dressing up with friends and taking the mile-long trek around their neighborhood until their bags of goodies weigh down the voyage.
From a parent’s point of view, trick-or-treating is a fun time for kids to dress up and politely ask for candy. So when teens without costumes go door to door demanding treats, parents start to think this tradition should be outlawed among adolescents.
“Halloween is a time for little kids to dress up and say “trick-or-treat”. But, when teens do it, they don’t dress up or act polite so they ruin the fun for the people who are giving,” sophomore Hailey Burgess said.
I think if the treat-er comes dressed in costume, no matter the age, and politely waits for the god of Nestle to bestow his blessings, they deserve the candy. You can’t place an age limit on fun, but when the fun is squelched by the ‘but I dressed up last year’ attitude, understandingly the giver may not be as willing.
Something worse than not dressing up at all can be the risqué costume choices teens are subject to wear. Walking through the aisles of Party City looking for a conservative Halloween costume is quite the battle. Your choices are limited to the promiscuous versions of Little Red Riding Hood, a cat, and a pirate. I’d rather peel layers of my eyeballs off than wear the ‘sexy nurse’ costume.
“I think a big problem with teens trick or treating is that the outfits are too risqué,” sophomore Claire Clark said. “But I’m dressing up as a character from Katy Perry’s music video.”
“It’s fine for teens to go trick-or-treating as long as they dress up and act polite, if not it ruins the fun,” Clark said.