by Claire Carter | Staff Writer
Study groups are designed to help ease pre-test tensions through the intellectual conversations of students who gather at local coffee shops and casually cram the night before the big day.
While the intension of this student-lead meeting is to improve the probability of acing a test, teens sometimes find it difficult to stay focused.
“The problem with study groups is the huge amount of distractions,” sophomore Caroline Zito said. “If you really want your study group to help your grade, then all phones need to be off so you aren’t tempted by social networks.”
Wherever the study group meets, remember that the key to absorbing all of this knowledge is to stay focused and manage your time well.
“The reason why my study group didn’t work was because we got off topic and just talked,” Zito said. “I think if everyone were to stay focused it would have only taken us an hour to completely study for the test.”
Teachers are huge supporters of infamous study groups. World History teacher Justin Felux religiously drills into the minds of his students the impact study groups can have on a test grade.
“I believe very strongly in study groups because it’s one of the most effective ways to become a successful college student. It helps students digest the material they learn in class,” Felux said.
Felux, a student himself, typically gathers at Starbucks to review with students for an upcoming test. The ability to make what they’ve learned in class memorable initially makes the difference.
“They make a difference on a test grade because when a teacher teaches a subject, sometimes the student doesn’t grasp the information, but when they hear another student phrase it in a different way it causes them to gain a better understanding of the subject,” Felux said.
Study groups have the potential to help your grade as long as you limit distraction, stay on task, and use what you’ve learned to create an effective way of studying. If you use these key elements to guide your study group, your grade will surely impress.
“The value of a study group is that you get to hear the same idea from class translated into a different wording that can sometimes help a student further grasp that concept.” Felux said.
E. Fitzhugh • Jan 11, 2013 at 11:23 am
This article really helped me get a greater understanding of how study groups work. I would want to have a study group with my friends, yet like you said, it would be difficult for us to turn everything off and focus for however long we wanted to study for. I think study groups are a good way for people to interact with others about what they learned or have questions on, so that way they can learn the same information but maybe in an easier way. I think teachers being involved is also a creative idea.