by Darius Davila | Staff Writer

In preparation for next year, the school will be receiving new technology equipment, with the intention of helping both teachers and students learn more efficiently and modernly.
“We will be getting about 300 iPads, of which each classroom will receive one iPad and the rest will go to carts,” technology teacher Robert Megerle said.
Along with iPads, teachers will be receiving additional equipment to use in the classroom that will be more up to date.
“Supposedly we are also getting some new screens that project onto the whiteboard and it’s much more interactive so it’s like a smart projector almost,” Megerle said.
However, there are additional reasons to why the school is integrating more technology into the classroom.
“We’ve been told by the state that they want more technology incorporated in the classroom, and that a certain percent of students will have to test via technology,” Megerle said. “I personally think they’re trying to get rid of the expense of buying textbooks. Right now you can buy tablets for one hundred dollars and its fully integratable with memory and everything.”