by Matt McGouran | staff writer
Junior Shelby Jenkins wakes up at 6 in the morning but does not go to school early or do things that we all assume a high schooler should do. Jenkins gets up to feed and groom her Charolais bull, Remington. She is a grand champion in Charolais and is a member of the 4H Club.
“I was interested in joining the 4-H Club because I had other family members in it and i had been around it for a long time,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins competed in the Tarleton State University Steer Spectacular and received the grand champion of the event in the Charolais division. Receiving grand champion was an accomplishment that was surprising to Jenkins, but a good moment.
“I was surprised when I won because it was my first steer race, but I was very proud of the way I finished and performed,” Jenkins said.
Her Charolais Bull, Remington, weighs 750 pounds although he is only 7 months old. Remington had high expectations for his performance in each steer competition.
“We got a Charolais bull because the breeder basically guaranteed that Remington would be a winner,” Jenkins said.
But Remington is not the only bull that Jenkins has. She also has a cross-breed bull named Buckalicous.
“When we got Buckalicous, the breeder told us that he would take the state fair,” Jenkins said.
Taking care of two bulls is a difficult task. Jenkins wakes up early every day to feed and groom them. She also has to wash, blow dry, and maintain the hair growth of each bull.
“It is a strain because I have to wake up early and take care of both bulls while also going to school,” Jenkins said.
The 4-H Club is a very big association that plays an important part in many peoples lives. The club has more than 6 million kids in it.
“I am in a small group that meets once a month,” Jenkins said.
The 4-H Club is a group for kids that helps keep them busy. The club has been in Jenkins’ life for a long time.
“The 4-H Club has been in my family for a long time,” Jenkins said.”It is very big in my life.”