by Claire Carter | editor-in-chief
The secret to success in high school is this: get involved. Join clubs as soon as you can. Run for officer positions, and pick up that application for some honor society-it may help you in the long run. Worried about going to a meeting you won’t know anyone at? You’ll make friends, trust me.
Here are all the clubs you can get involved in starting freshman year. Don’t let four years pass by without getting to know new people through these fun, inclusive groups.

Student Council This group is not only a club but is offered as an elective course you can take during school hours. This group sponsors Homecoming and even travels to a state convention. “Student council is a great opportunity to give back and lead our school,” junior Rachel Gawlik said.
KEY Club This service-oriented group plans and takes part in volunteer projects. A nationally recognized organization, KEY stands for Kiwanis Educated Youth, and is sponsored by Kiwanis International. This club, however, has nothing to do with keys.
Winners Circle This club, sponsored by our school librarian, stands behind the principle of abstinence from alcohol and drugs. Members are encouraged to live a chemical-free lifestyle and sign a pledge
Spectrum Alliance This group meets in support of equality of all students on campus. The main goal of this club is anti-bullying and tolerance of everyone. Join this club if you believe in equality and support individuality.
Art Club This group meets to express their creative talents through all kinds of art projects. Join this club to get inspiration and criticism on art projects, as well as learn new techniques to improve your skills.
Sci-Fi Club This club meets for light saber battles and for the love of all things Sci-Fi. “This club is for fans of Star Wars, Dr. Who, Star Trek, and others,” sophomore James Zamora said.
FBLA The Future Business Leaders of America meet in order to discuss strategies for success in the workforce. These helpful tips will help for interviews and job searches. “Through this club, you can even get scholarships through state and national competitions,” senior Daisy Creager said.
FCCLA The Family Career Community Leaders of America meet in order to This group cleans up campus, volunteers at retirement homes, and gives back on campus. “This is a simple group that is really fun and we are a close knit group of volunteers,” senior Jake Franklin said.
Red Cross Club Johnson’s official chapter works hard to give back to the community. With blood drives and community wide fundraisers, you can’t miss this club.
German Club This group takes all students and helps them embrace the German culture. They celebrate German holidays, play German games, and German II or higher students miss school to attend Wurstfest in New Braunfels. “We make it a point to include everyone and have fun,” junior Taylor Kelley said.
Spanish Club This club focuses on embracing the Hispanic culture and promoting volunteerism in the community. Through learning about their celebrations, music, and family values they are able to compare the Hispanic culture to ours. “We also raises money for the Cure Search Walk because it affects the Hispanic community greatly,” Spanish teacher Juanita Castillo said.
French Club This club gathers to learn about the French culture and surround themselves in the French language. These meetings include cooking French food and watching French movies for a better understanding of what life is like across the pond.

ASL Club This club gathers to further their knowledge of sign language and to get to know the Deaf community better. ASL club provides opportunities like community outreach to elementary schools and the annual ASL idol event to raise money for the Moldova deaf Christian camp. “Anyone in ASL or with knowledge of sign language should join this club because we immerse ourselves into the Deaf community,” junior Keegan Washburn said.
Groups started by Johnson High School students, but are not technically considered school clubs due to their religious affiliation, include the following:
Jags For Jesus This group meets at 7:45 in the MPR room before school every Wednesday for student led fellowship. They also partake in outside of school service projects and are open to all students.
Young Life Club This group meets on Monday nights at 8:01 at the Encino Park Community center. “Young Life is a group of kids coming together to have fun, dance, sing, and worship God,” junior Hannah Held said.