by Kirsten Kraus | feature editor
It was a much simpler time. You could tap the name of the cute boy in your math class at any given moment and see who they send their after workout selfies to. However, this era of bliss is over. No more stalking, no more obsessing from a distance, no more scouting Snapchat for any sign of competition. The stalking game has been forever changed.
Before the dreaded update, snapchat allowed you to see the top three recipients of the snappers snaps, dubbing them as their ‘best friends’. Now, however, the only best friends you can see are your own, and millions of teenage girls are crying for help.

The beloved ‘best friends’ feature allowed girls from all over to keep tabs on their boyfriends, making sure they’re not Snapchatting other girls. On the other hand, cheating boyfriends let out a sigh of relief the minute the update came out.
The lack of a best frends list makes it`s a whole lot harder to spy on the people around you. You can no longer see who’s making up or who’s breaking up, who’s getting together or staying separated for good. Teens everywhere are forced to regress into the past to get the latest scoop, checking MySpace for any relationship updates.
In order to prove friendship, people went through great lengths to appear on someones ‘Best Friends’ list, sometimes snapping all day, and in the darkest times, all night. Dedication is key in the Snapchat world, and to see all this commitment diminish when the update ensued has angered many people.
However, in response to the angry teenagers, Evan Spiegel, the CEO of Snapchat, has promised that the ‘Best Friends’ feature will return “soon”, allowing users to resume stalking in a civil fashion. In the meantime, people are left to roam helplessly, wondering how to spy on their peers without getting caught.