by Alyssa Pena | staff writer
With fall right around the corner, a new endeavor in extracurricular activities is appearing in the horizon, and it’s looking green. No, it’s not the Hulk and no, it’s not the Reagan Rattlers.
“I think everyone should, at some point in their life, garden to just experience gardening,” senior Audrey Kuykendall said. “It’s good for your mental health.”
Over the summer, Kuykendall had an idea of something that she would like to see take place on campus, and is now in the process of pursuing the tiny but huge notion that is garden club for a very good reason. Now president of the club, Kuykendall aspires to make lasting changes on the school and on the community.

“We are planning on donating [the produce] to religious centers and food pantries that are accepting fresh produce because there are so many people that need food,” Kuykendall said.
Students involved in the club will be able to get their hands dirty while planting flowers and vegetables in hopes of beautifying the campus and providing produce to the local food pantries and Farmer’s Markets. By doing so, students will be able to give back to their community and feel proud of their hard work.
“We’re doing something for the community and it’s nothing that’s profitable. It’s just something fun to do,” junior Daniel Arkhipov said.
The club, which meets Wednesdays after school in Mr. Velasquez’s room, plans on planting their garden in the back of the school near where students eat lunch in the courtyard in hopes that their garden will brighten up the dusty decor of the area.
“Right now, it’s mostly just dirt and rocks and weeds. I think the front [of the school] looks really nice already so I think the back part would be an excellent choice,” garden club sponsor Oscar Velasquez said.
But beautification of the campus is just one factor that makes up this exciting club. Garden club not only offers a chance for students to give back to their environment, but to express themselves and feel like they belong to a group of individuals sharing the same interests.
“One of the most important things at a school is for the student to feel like they are involved in what happens and what goes on in their campus,” Kuykendall said. “I feel that garden club is a great way for kids to feel like they have a say in what’s happening in their direct community.”
Students may think that this club is only for experienced gardeners, but think again. Garden club is open to anyone who is passionate about the environment or just a huge fan of helping the community.
“Gardening isn’t about mastering a skill like your other classes,” Kuykendall said. “This is about getting out there and getting your hands dirty doing something you’ve never done before, and enjoying it.”