The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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Stu Co leads Toys for Tots efforts on campus


by Myralexis Tijerina| staff writer

In spirit of the holidays, people of the community and the schools come together to give love and presents to people in need through the program, Toys for Tots.

“You know what, I think it’s a neat organization that does these types of things. I think that’s what’s great about student council that we try to give back I think a lot of time that we take and kids take. I think you know what, let’s do something that gives back to the community and gives back to kids in need also, I think it’s a cool concept for students to understand for it’s not just about us but there are people that are in need,” student council sponsor Jennifer Jones said.

The community and the school comes together competing and donating as much as they can for the children. Every year they

Every year around the holidays, the community rallies together to help people in need. One of the biggest charities is Toys for Tots. Along with inside the school, donation bins are scattered around the city.
Every year around the holidays, the community rallies together to help people in need. One of the biggest charities is Toys for Tots. Along with inside the school, donation bins are scattered around the city.

strive to collect as many as toys as they did last year.

“Toy’s for Tots is an event that the Stone Oak Business Association put together they do a friendly little competition between the elementary, middle school and high schools in the area. The goal is to raise new toys that they give to children that need toys. This year they did expand to gift cards and also new jackets but our focus is that we just decided to just go ahead and keep focusing on toys instead of jackets and gift cards,” Jones said.

Toys for Tots is mainly run by Student Council, but they enlist help from various organizations and clubs, like dance and NHS.

“The kids can come to room E205, which is my room, and drop off their toys. The dance director Mrs. Trevino, has her dancers and her spirit people, bring the toys to her room,” Jones said.

Most years they collect around 100 toys, but this year they have expanded their goal. The toys for tots association confirmed when the right time it would be to pick up the toys.

“Last year we raised 100 toys and our goal this year is to hit that many, and we are definitely on the the right track to hit that many.”

Student council decided to sell t-shirts to raise enough money to buy new toys for the children. Not only does it help the children but it helps the community support each other.

“It’s amazing that we as a school can come together to do the shirt this year. I think it’s pretty neat when a group at school can unite in a cause,” Jones said.“The shirt raised $4,000 in profit just to buy toys. So it wasn’t just school council it was the team effort for the success of toys for tots.”



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Stu Co leads Toys for Tots efforts on campus