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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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Presents for the Picky: Gifts for people who have everything



by Mackenzie Armstead| staff writer

Shopping for gifts is sometimes an easy task, if you feel like you have a good relationship with the person you’re buying for. However, it can be frustrating if you are attempting to find the perfect present for a person who pretty much has everything under the sun- the latest book, every Apple product known to man, and don’t even talk about the hot new trends right now, like hoverboards and selfie sticks, because, yes, they have those too. Luckily, there is no need to settle for the “I’m sorry”, “I forgot”, and/or, “I didn’t have enough money” speech, because there are actually lots of gifts out there that are both creative and unique.

One creative kind of idea would be to give them a homemade gift. Homemade gifts aren’t just something children make during arts and crafts time and give to their parents during the holidays. They can be as simple as a personalized card to a funky-looking mug that you (attempted to) make yourself. A friend who has everything surely won’t have this gift, because it is something that you are making on your own time.

If making something from scratch seems too time-consuming and not your cup of tea, then it’s time to start shopping! Hit up your local mall or craft store, or really anywhere that sells cool, eclectic things. Look for something one of a kind, or that one thing that catches your eye as soon as you walk in the store. A unique gift can make someone feel special, knowing that someone put some thought and consideration into their purchase.

Along with homemade and other “one of a kind gifts”, if there’s one thing you learn in Texas, it would be to monogram everything! This trend is definitely a fun one, as there are many cool fonts and styles to choose from so as to personalize any object with someone’s initials. So what better gift to get someone then a personalized item made just for them. The price for monogramming can range from about $1- $10, but it is also possible to do this on your own if you have the necessary items.

If all else fails and you feel like you are stressing out over something that isn’t really that important, it’s definitely acceptable to not give any gift. That’s right, nothing! No bows, bags, or wrapping paper needed. Rather than spending time worrying about what gifts they already have, how much money you will spend, or wondering if they will even like the gift, try giving something that is not a physical present. Rather than handing them a gift, take them to a place where both of you can do an activity together, like laser tag or going to a painting class.

Lastly, a good joke is something everyone loves. Give them the gift of laughter by reminding them of a funny moment, or an inside joke, that only the two of you shared. This is a good gift idea that is not-too-serious , but still pretty special. Funny gifts are not as common as normal gifts, so don’t be afraid to try something different!

Whether it’s making a gift from scratch or giving someone the adventure of a lifetime, there are plenty of ways to go about finding gifts for those friends or relatives who own just about everything. However, remember that in any healthy relationship, sometimes the best gift you can give is friendship.  





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Presents for the Picky: Gifts for people who have everything