by Alyssa Pena | staff writer
Long after school lets out for the summer and students are sleeping off the nine months of the previous year, the main office as well as the counseling office are wide awake as they set to work completing tasks for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year. In addition, staff may also be tying up a few loose ends from the most recent semester.
“We work four days a week; Monday through Thursday, 7 am to 5:30 pm starting June 6, except for the week of July 4. We will work Tuesday, that’s July 5-8, 8 am to 4:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday that week,” administrative assistant Connie Barton said. “After July 28, in the first week of August, we go back to regular Monday through Friday hours – 8 am to 4:30 pm.”
The offices remain open during the months of June, July, and August to welcome newly-registered students and prospective teachers, and help them become a proud Johnson Jaguar.
“We do our final hiring during the summer in this [main] office,” Barton said. “In the counseling office [with the registrar], parents can come and file paperwork and set up appointments to register their students.”
While the main office is hard at work, the counseling office is diligently working on finalizing schedules and providing important documents to current students and seniors that have already graduated.
“The registrar, Mrs. Malissa Cox, issues out VOE passes and transcripts for seniors that need to take transcripts to colleges,” Barton said. “She also accepts change of addresses for somebody that has moved from an apartment to a house or something and they’re bringing in their lease. She takes care of all those things.”
If during the summer students and parents would like to get in contact with the offices, they can call the main line for more information.
“We can be contacted through our main number: 356-0400. We are answering that phone all summer long; there will be someone there. Or you can email either myself or Mrs. Malissa Cox in the counseling office,” Barton said.