Photo by: Alexis McCutchan
By Elijah Johns | staff writer
Filling out college applications is a part of life for every senior. Sitting down for hours at a time and typing away at an essay while simultaneously filling out pages of forms to complete the application. However, things come up and sometimes it is pushed to the side. For some universities, late applications are allowed to ease the pain and stress of applying to college.
“Some colleges and universities accept late enrollments if they have room in certain programs or if they have a few additional spots open. It is truly up to the university or college depending on their rules,” head counselor Courtney Tarbox said.
There could be a multitude of reasons as to why a student would wait to apply late to a university.
“If their family situation changes, or if what they want to study changes, or they are applying only to out of state colleges and realize that they need to stay closer to home. Those are some reasons why a student would maybe want to wait and apply later,” Tarbox said.
Students who wait for the very last deadline have their reasons as to why they wait until the last days.
“I am a big procrastinator and I plan on going to SAC which the deadline for them in at the end of august,” senior Courtney Aull said.
There are less steps in order to apply to smaller schools and this is an enticing offer to some students.
“I don’t have to write an essay or anything, it is just a small form to fill out so I could wait longer to fill everything out since it won’t take me long,” Aull said.
While there is a common thought that rolling admission and late admission are similar, they are two different types of applications.
“Rolling admission is when a school is ongoing accepting applications they roll out decisions over a couple of months,” Tarbox said. “They would typically post it on their websites and they would be rolling out decisions throughout the year. While late admissions is the last end of the season late spring admissions.”
Whether one applies early or late it is imperative that everything is done on the application to set it aside.
“Be very thorough in your application and complete everything that is requested in the application and do it in a timely manner to make sure that they meet the deadline. If essays and letters of recommendation are optional I would recommend that student would go ahead and fulfill that need,” Tarbox said. “Basically the more that they do, the more it shows that univerity that they are serious and want to be there and that gives them a higher chance of getting into that university.”