The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Valentine’s day grams are in season


by Saidah Hawkins | staff writer

With Valentine’s day right around the corner, Student Council grams are making their way to the desks of many.

The Valentine grams will be themed for the day, with Valentine candy and a poem,” Student Council sponsor Kristy Rogers said. “There are order forms outside room E205, They cost $3 and you can select from our prewritten poems or you can write your own poem. They will be delivered during 4th and 5th period.”

Even though students will be purchasing Valentine’s day grams, those aren’t the only ones available.

“We have birthday grams available throughout the year,” Rogers said. “They are good for teachers or friends to let them know you are thinking about them on their special day.”

Grams are typically bought and sent to spread holiday cheer. But for Student Council, it’s bigger than that.

“StuCo started them in order to raise money for our philanthropy projects throughout the year, including Homecoming, Winter Wonderland, and our NEISD adopted elementary school at Christmas,” Rogers said.

Student Council hopes more students take advantage of this campus effort to spread something sweet this Valentine’s day.

“It’s a fun way to show your appreciation of your friends, or show your love for your special someone!” Rogers said.”


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Valentine’s day grams are in season