The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Maybe college doesn’t have to be so hard


As the end of the first semester starts to come to a close, many students are searching for ways to find affordable living at dream college (that they will hopefully get into). But never fear! College Life, an app designed specifically for this reason, has come to the rescue!

This application can be found on Apple products and Android phones and it teaches you everything you need to know about your future college campus. It  gives you a platform to talk to other students, and identifies which buildings are used for your classes. It’s also helps in finding transportation near the college, discover accessible restaurants from wherever you are.

So with the College Life App in mind I decided to check out UCLA’s campus. It did not disappoint, I felt like I was already a student on campus knowing all the in’s and out’s. It was really helpful and definitely can be a determining factor when applying. Maybe students won’t have to drive all the way to California but, rather use College Life App to get a feel for the college and the community.

I found the menus of many different cafes, hot spots and restaurants that are convenient and available to all students enrolled in UCLA. It also provides the hours that the business will be open, where it is (complete with address and a Google Maps in case you don’t know where it is exactly), and the phone number to address them with. I did try to talk to some of the students attending the school on the app, however, everybody seemed too busy to answer. The rest of the conversations going on were typically useful, regarding where to go for a certain class or asking for food suggestions so I wasn’t particularly surprised that I didn’t gain any attention.

After having done all of that, I decided to check out two menus from two different restaurants on campus: the Rendezvous and Bruin Cafe. Rendezvous has two separate locations on campus; one with Mexican food and one with Chinese food. Each have “Express Breakfast” specials and cater to nearly anybody’s cravings. I, myself, have not tried this food (since it is in California), but both locations have pretty high ratings on the app. For the Bruin Cafe, their menu surrounds what can be described as American food with the occasional Mediterranean taste. It has something for everyone, whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

If I were a college student, this app would be a necessity to get around my campus and I highly recommend it to anyone who may be attending a university any time soon. I enjoyed researching the in’s and out’s of my dream college and can only hope everybody else feels the same.

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Maybe college doesn’t have to be so hard