The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Johnson’s Magical Winter Wonderland


by Lauryn Chavez | Staff Writer

As the days get chillier and the nights grow shorter, the countdown for Winter Wonderland begins.Winter Wonderland is a fun family event held by Student Council on December 8th from 11:00am-3:00pm.

Many volunteers will be needed for Johnson’s Winter Wonderland. You can sign up to volunteer within your club

“I really hope we can expand the amount of service that the clubs are doing here. Maybe some clubs haven’t had the opportunity to volunteer at this event. So maybe we’ll have a more larger variety for things the kids can do. I think this is really fun. I bring my family every year. And I get closer with my little brothers every year. I’ve got 6 brothers and 2 sisters. So my family is huge and I think it’s a really cool event for just spending time with your family and have fun. So I hope everyone has a great time and gets closer,” Vice President of Student Council, Blaine Von Dohlen said

Johnson’s Winter Wonderland plays an important part in our community’s holiday season and has been happening ever since the school opened.

“Yes every year we do it. We think it’s really important because everyone goes to the mall and there’s a long line or they go somewhere else it’s really pricey and they have to set-up a whole thing. So we think it’s really convenient for the community members.” Dohlen said

Students are encouraged to come to this event for service hours they can get by signing up to run their clubs booth as well as just spending quality time with family.

“And it’s a really good opportunity for students to volunteer at the tables with their clubs and just see the bright little kids faces after they take a picture with Santa and they’re making all these Christmas crafts. They have a cookie decorating station. They have an elf hat station, and then there’s the reindeer antlers they can make out of- it’s really sweet. They can send letters to Santa, Unity club does that.” Dohlen said.

Winter Wonderland is an opportunity to raise money to fund Student Council’s future service projects.

“This is one of our big fundraisers along with homecoming so student council will be able to do different service project throughout the year, and we’ll be able to do more next semester.  Because spring semester tends to be not as busy, but we would like to stay busy. We can serve at shelters or the food bank or different service projects we could do it’ll help fund us for that.” Dohlen said.

The importance of family getting into holiday spirit with each other creates a bond that you can share for years.

“Honestly the goal is to get the community together and make sure all the kids have a good time. They can celebrate and get into the holiday spirit for the holiday season” President Katie Loftus said.

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Johnson’s Magical Winter Wonderland