The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Jags run for funds

Jags run for funds

The Jammin’ Jag 5K is a run for Johnson athletes, family, friends or just about anyone. This event is taking place on June 1 and is hoping for a bigger pool of people than last year.

“[The turnout]’s not very good, because the response has been very small with only around 20 people coming to the run. We’re trying to get it kickin’ and goin’ by putting it on Twitter, Facebook even, and the response still wasn’t ideal.” track coach Nancy Almaraz says.

The purpose of this run was to raise funds for extracurricular activities in Johnson was not as much of a success that people thought it would be in past years, raising slim to none for such a worthy cause.

“By the time we make the medals, shirts, rent out the place for the run, the funds raised equate to nothing. We’re not making any money with the small response that we have yet, but it’s good community service for the kids right now and just hasn’t gone into the plus column,” Almaraz says.

As the event continues to take place, the staff are hoping that soon the students will be able to raise enough funds to support the cross country and track programs.

“It’s definitely a learning experience that the students can grow from though and hopefully it’ll start to raise funds soon,” Almaraz says.

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Jags run for funds