The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Student Council partners with Toys for Tots


by Emma Fischer| feature editor

Student Council treasurer Kendall Curtis-Malone checks the boxes set around the school for toys that they can donate to the charity they have partnered with.

“It’s a new thing that we are doing. We used to adopt an elementary school but then the elementary school closed so now we are doing Toys for Tots. It’s where we have people donate toys for tots,” Curtis-Malone said.

Toys for Tots have been sponsored by many schools around the country. This is Johnson’s first year to take part in the toy drive.

“It is an organization, kind of charity, fundraising event funded by the marines. It’s mostly just collecting toys and then people can come and sign up to pick up toys for their family and kids and things. We, as Johnson kids, called the marines and said, ‘hey, we would love to sponsor and event at Johnson to kind of had an ongoing thing in the month of December,’” senior Gianna Agosto said.

Student Council finds drives every year to take part of.

“Before hand, we had other toy drives that we did for other elementary schools but then we weren’t going to do that this year but we still really wanted to do a toy drive, so we decided to get Toys For Tots involved,” Agosto said.

Because the elementary school that Student Council supported and fundraised for closed and turned into a pre-school, the students wanted to find something similar to participate in. From now until December 13th, students and teachers can donate toys in certain places around the school.

“There are locations in the ROTC building, downstairs, in the athletic building and I believe there is one more in the front office,” Agosto said.

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Student Council partners with Toys for Tots