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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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2019 Christmas Gift Guide


By Lauryn Hughes | arts editor

When Christmas time rolls in so does the impending thoughts of giving gifts to friends and family. But what happens if there are no ideas of what to give? The newspaper staff put together some ideas for everyone on your gift list.


For the tech lovers:

Laptop Case: Gift a shield for computers. A computer case is something simple, but effective that is a perfect gift for anyone you give it to. Cases can range from 40 to 50 dollars at Best Buy.


Temperature Control Smart Mug: If you have a friend or family member who is always complaining that they left their drink out or to long and that its cold, then this gift would be perfect for them. This mug creates electric heat from the bottom part of the cup to constantly heat the drink in it. These mugs are about 30 from Amazon. 

Mini Phone Fan: This handy gadget is a portable fan that runs when you plug it into your phone. It’s something that is simple and useful for whoever you gift it to. The fan is about  8 on Amazon. 

Cell Phone Selfie Light: If you have a friend who is always taking photos wherever they go, this is the perfect gift for them. This portable phone light clips onto the users phone to help brighten photos and it’s only about 10 at Target. 

Portable Charger: If you have someone if you life who’s always having to charge their phone and struggles to find an outlet to charge it, this is the gift for them. It’s a charger that you can put into your bag and charge your phone wherever you are. The charger is about 40 dollars at Best Buy. 

Tile pro tracker: For that one family member who can never find anything, this is the perfect gift. Its a mini tracker that you stick onto anything, phones, keys, even wallets. The tracker will allow you to find it from wherever you are so you never have to spend 45 minutes trying to find what you lost. The tracker tile is about 30 at Walmart. 

 Air pod Cases: Something small and simple for anyone, Airpod cases are a cute and effective gift for anyone. These cases are about 10 dollars from Amazon.


For the book lovers:

Children of Virtue: For the fantasy book lovers, this book has magic, battles and a story that will capture readers. This book can be found at Barnes and Nobles for 15 dollars. 

 F in Exams: If you need a funny and relatable gift this book is perfect. F in Exams the guide on how to hilariously fail exams. This book is about 10 dollars at Barnes and Nobles.

Milk and Honey: If you have a friend who likes to read poetry this book is the book to get. Milk and Honey is a book where every page has beautiful poetry and art to accompany it. It’s about 10 dollars from Target. 

How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems: How to is the perfect book for those in your life who live science. This book offers interesting approaches for life’s real and simple problems. This book is about 17 from Amazon.  


For the comfort lovers:

Heated Blanket: This blanket will keep you warm all winter with its electric heating. This is the perfect gift for anyone who would like to be comfortable and warm while watching movies or going to sleep. This blanket is about 30 dollars from Walmart.


Plush Blankets: These blankets are cute and functional.From the puffs on the corners to the multiple colors that are available these blankets are an adorable gift to give to someone. They are about 10 dollars from Target.

Stuffed Animals: This small and fuzzy stuffed bear makes for a lovable companion for anyone. It’s the perfect gift for people of all ages and its only 8 dollars from Target. 


Other gifts for anyone:

 LED room lights: These lights will brighten up any room. You can gift them to your brother to your best friend, they are perfect for anyone. They can be found on Amazon for 30 dollars.


Gift cards: Gift Cards are a perfect and versatile gift that you can give to anyone. There is no set price or place that you can get them from, but you can gift them to anywhere.

Sticker Packs: Sticker packs from Redbubble are the perfect gift for everyone. Their stickers are inexpensive and they have assortments from animals to yoga. The Sticker pack shown above is about 4 dollars, but some packs can go as low as one dollar.


Aromatherapy Oil Diffuser: An oil diffuser would be perfect for that family member who loves relaxation and yoga. The diffuser releases a calming vapor of whatever scent the user prefers from lemon to eucalyptus. The diffuser is about 30 dollars from Target.

Charger Animals: These cute phone friends are the perfect stocking stuffers for anyone who has a phone. These charger animals come in several different animals that you can pick and choose from to be the best gift you can give someone. These animals are about 7 dollars from Amazon.

Icings Scrunchies: If you have a girly friend and don’t know what to get her scrunchies are your best bet. Scrunchies from Icings are inexpensive and some in a rainbow of colors for you to pick out the perfect pack. Icings Scrunchies are about 5 dollars for one.

 Succulent Garden: If you have a friend who likes gardening a succulent garden is the way to go. Succulents are easy to grow and maintain so they’ll be present that lasts a long time. You can find there succulent kits on Amazon for 35 dollars. 

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2019 Christmas Gift Guide