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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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Volunteer opportunities in San Antonio around Christmas, even with COVID

There are still ways you  can spread the joy and love over the holidays!
There are still ways you can spread the joy and love over the holidays!

by Chloe Jordan | tech editor

As the most wonderful time of the year rolls in, people begin giving and sharing the love with those who need it the most: low-income families, the homeless, and the hungry. Here’s what you can still volunteer for, even with COVID, to help provide for those in need this Christmas.

Soldiers’ Angels – 

Soldiers’ Angels provide a multitude of volunteer options. Their mission is to “provide aid, comfort, and resources to the military, veterans, and their families,” according to their website. Some opportunities with the organization are Holiday Stockings for Heroes, Blanket Drive, and Warm Feet for Warriors. You can participate in Holiday Stockings for Heroes by stuffing a stocking with the list of suggested items and shipping them off to soldiers. Twin sized blankets are being collected for the Blanket Drive. And any kind of sock is a helpful contribution to Warm Feet for Warriors. There are many other ways to donate and contribute to the program, virtually and in-person, and it is a great option if you’re looking for an easy way to help veterans and their families.

Website –

Special Campaigns –

San Antonio Food Bank – 

The San Antonio Food Bank is a resource to feed hungry families. Their mission is to “fight hunger in Southwest Texas through food distribution, programs, education, and advocacy,” according to their website. You can help through food drives, monetary donations, volunteering in-person, and raising hunger awareness. Other volunteer options include, but are not limited to, warehouse sorting and packing, community kitchens, and kids café. The San Antonio Food Bank is always a great volunteer option to help feed the hungry and feel more connected with your community.

Website –

Volunteer Opportunities –

Elf Louise – 

Elf Louise is a program that “provides joy to Bexar County’s less fortunate children,” according to their website. They are also completely based off of volunteers. As this year is much different, the volunteer options have changed for Elf Louise, to ensure the safety of volunteers. Hands are still needed for the break-down and clean-up of the workshop. Donations are also being accepted at this time; the website includes all of the wish-lists and donation needs.

Website –

Location – Port San Antonio, 333 Morris Witt St., San Antonio, TX  78226.

Meals on Wheels – 

Meals on Wheels is a unique volunteer opportunity that is COVID-friendly and safe for volunteers. Their mission is to “promote the dignity and independence of seniors who are in need of nutritious meals, companionship, and Alzheimer’s care”, according to their website. You can apply to become a meal delivery volunteer or simply donate online. They also have programs called Animeals, which is a weekend pet food delivery service, and Friendly Visitor, which helps improve isolated senior’s well beings.

Website –

Volunteer –

There are many other ways to contribute to your community, but these are just a few for students eager to help or get in some volunteer hours. All of these options have COVID-friendly, volunteer safe ways to give, and stay in the holiday spirit.

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Volunteer opportunities in San Antonio around Christmas, even with COVID