The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Let the games begin: Senior Assassin


Senior Assassin is held annually by Johnson’s own students. The game is played off-campus, with the premise being to “assassinate” your target player by shooting them with a water gun. The winners of Senior Assassin will split a cash prize at the end of the game.

“I would say we had around 165 players to start,” Senior Assassin Co-host Emily Reza said. “Round one just finished and there’s 53 people remaining.”

The cash prize will go to two people at the end of the game.

“It will be split up between the person who lasted the longest in the game and also the person with the most kills of the game,” Reza said.

The game will have a set ending, pushing players to quickly get their targets leaving no room for standstill. 

“We put the deadline or end date for May 30,the day before graduation, but if people get their targets quickly, then it will end before that,” Reza said.

Although the game is for Johnson students, playing it on-campus is prohibited. 

“So for work they cannot get shot while on the clock but as soon as they are off they are fair game,” Reza said. “And the school campus is off-limits unless students are there for leisure reasons such as working out with friends or playing a pick up game of football or anything. With school events as well, students are safe until they leave the school campus. Church is off limits during the service as well.” 

Reza explains that to play the game you must follow the Johnson Senior Assassin page on instagram to get the name of your target messaged to you. To enter the game a $5 fee is required. This money is pooled together to be split by the winners.

“My friends were asking me to run it and I didn’t want to deal with it at first, but Mrs. Rogers the student council teacher told me I should just do it.” Reza said “And so I decided to take it on and then I heard from others that Paola had also been thinking about figuring out who could run it so I texted her and asked if she’d want to do it together and she agreed to help so we put all the rules and the account together in one night and shared all over our social media’s.”

Reza and Paola Lambert run the Senior Assassin game together, and are in charge of the Senior Assassin social media page.

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Let the games begin: Senior Assassin