by Joseph Sweeney | editor-in-chief
Midterm elections may be over a year away, but it’s never too early to register to vote. Students had the opportunity to obtain voter registration cards to register with during their government and economics classes.
“[We] do this in all 12th grade social studies classes,” government teacher Dr. Kandace Chapman said. There’s just a few requirements for voter registration, one is that you have to be 18; You can submit your voter registration up to two months before your 18th birthday. You have to be a citizen, and then there are some requirements as to fellon background. It’s pretty much open to anyone under those three categories.”
Voter registration cards take a few minutes to fill out, and require the voter’s address, driver’s license or social security number among other information.
“You can register using the card or you can register online, the difference being that we’re more guided through the process when we do it here,” Chapman said. “It makes it easier when we walk them through it step-by-step what they need to put on their form.”
Students will turn in their sealed registration card to their government or economics teachers and will have their voter ID card delivered in the mail within a few weeks. Seniors not enrolled in either this semester are also able to obtain and have a form mailed out by the school.
“[We are] encouraging all students that are eligible to go out there and register to vote,” Chapman said. “ It’s one of the most important elements of American democracy. For those seniors that are not in a social studies class, they are welcomed to come by and get a voter registration card and we can help them out with that as well.”