The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

STUCO sets up a night on the nile


by Ali Valdez | staff writer

With a new director- art teacher Lisa Mitler- and a fresh new group of creative students, ‘BOD’ (now known as ‘STUCO’) has been working diligently to plan a memorable, Egyptian-themed homecoming night for all to enjoy.

“With a change of teacher, it’s been pretty hectic, but we get things done since we have such a great group of kids,” junior Tabitha Ford said.

A dance cannot be complete without a wide variety of music that caters to the needs of all different types of teenagers, and organizers have taken this matter into account.

“This year we are picking out the music instead of the DJ picking it out like last year, and we’re also taking suggestions,” junior Rima Parabtani said.

Although all of the tedious details are kept on the down-low, the decorations are rumored to be quite extravagant.

“You should expect a night that will blow your mind. The decorations will be bigger than before,” Ford said.

STUCO is taking risks and trying new things this year, highlighted by  the addition of a photo booth.

“We’re also going to have a photo booth, where a guy comes in and makes flipbooks, and you get that for, I think, five dollars,” Parabtani said.

In order to help things flow as the work progresses, STUCO organizers have seperated into different groups.

“We have different commitees. We have a decoration commitee, a music commitee, a court commitee, and a bid commitee, and we’re all assigned different tasks that we have to complete,” junior Rebekah Trujillo said.

With a dedicated commitee, groovy music, and fresh new ideas, STUCO is sure to make this a night for the books.

“It’s going to be amazing, because we are putting a lot of effort into this, and that’s all we’ve been doing lately, so hopefully it will turn out good and all of the students will like it,” Parabtani said.


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  • W

    WilburSep 15, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    OMG! Homecoming is guna be SOOOOO FUNNN im SOOOO excited!


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STUCO sets up a night on the nile