Darius Davila | staff writer
Throughout the ages men and women have argued and debated over who is the top dogs in relationships. This debate has gained ground the longer its been in existenceand eventually this debate needs to come to an end. Whether successfully or not the following questions dive into the heart of the problem, and discovers who really is on top when it comes to relationships.
What makes a relationship last?
“Trusting in your partner and definitely keeping the spark alive.” Alexa Uribe, 11
“It depends on who you are, what’s most important to you, trust is over rated; its for the birds.” Erin Mckane, 11
What’s the most important thing in a relationship?

Whats the most common downfall of relationships?
“Not being mature enough to handle relationships and not enough responsibility to care for the other person.” Erin Mckane,11
“Cheating and lying.” Brennda Mendez, 12
Who do you think tends to care more in a relationship, guys or girls?
“Girls cause they’re more caring.” Brennda Mendez, 12
“It depends on the individual and how committed they are to it.” Erin Mckane, 11
What kind of person would you get in a relationship with?
“Someone who is sweet, but not all the time, respects my values, someone smart, and someone funny.” Vannessa Ruiz,10
“Someone whose not so serious, fun, family oriented, and spontaneous.” AlexaUribe,11
Who causes breakups more often guys or girls?
“Honestly from personal experiences guys, because they get tired of girls easier than girls get tired of guys.” Vannessa Ruiz,10
“I think girls cause they over think everything causing break-ups.” AlexaUribe,11
John R. • Oct 7, 2011 at 1:10 am
I agree girls are SOO complicated! And are way too analytical im just glad a girl actually was honest enough to admit it!