The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

My Jag News

Season hails a chance to give back

By Ali Valdez | Staff Writer

For those already consumed by the spirit of giving, there may be no better season than this one in which to lend time and resources to those less fortunate. For instance: the children of the Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital.

Johnson teams up with local charities to help bring joy to the holiday season.

“We want to put a cause like this at the forefront, because it’s the time of year where we take a moment to appreciate what we have. With our families, with situations we are in, whether its financial or emotional, we have that support around and when we reach out to people that don’t have that kind of support in their lives that are living in uncertain situations or in this case, fighting for their lives,” NHS president Brooke Nowakowski said.

NHS has taken up the cause of a toy drive for children in the cancer ward of the local hospital.

“We do them a small favor, but really, we are rewarding ourselves with the ability to advance as people and mature in this idea; that we don’t live alone in this world,” she said.

This year, three clubs at Johnson high school will be participating in charity drives in order to help out organizations from all parts of San Antonio. The organizers ask that participants allow the holidays to bring perspective to an often-privileged life.

“We have to rely on each other. There may be a time when we need help from someone else. Just as we would want someone to reach out to us, we want to be the person willing to give that hand as well,” Nowakowski said.

Until Tuesday, December 5th, Student Council will be collecting children’s winter attire from Johnson students for the NEISD Mckinney Project.

“The Mckinney-Boyd project is basically giving back to NEISD students. We collect clothes, blankets, shoes, stuff like that. We give them to central office, and central office is going to give them to our less-fortunate NEISD families,” junior Rebekah Trujillo said.

The group will be accepting new and unused scarves, hats, gloves, jackets, or anything that may be of assistance to underprivileged children.

“It’s important to give back, because some people are less fortunate than you, and you should help and support them- especially when it’s your fellow NEISD students,” Trujillo said.

If you have any empty shoe boxes lying around, fill it up with toys and treats, and Spanish Honor Society will send the box to a child in need.

“People can donate new or gently-used toys, small toiletries that can fit in a shoebox, and non-chocolate candy,” Honor Society president Brittany Nesbitt said.

You can donate your box, or boxes at the welcome center or in room G110.

“The deadline right now is December 9th to get all the materials in and then we’re going to donate them to children around town who won’t normally be getting presents,” senior Brittany Nesbitt said.

In addition, NHS asks students to bring used video games, new and unwrapped toys, and arts and craft supplies to the main office. The donations will be taken until December 16.

“You can donate toys and crafts for the children at Christus Santa Rosa, because they need something to keep them occupied while they’re going through treatment,” senior Miranda Paredes said.


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Season hails a chance to give back