The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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The Student News Site of Claudia Taylor Johnson High School

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NHS members come together for annual toy drive

NHS rallies together to collect toys for deserving children.
NHS rallies together to collect toys for deserving children.

By Brooke Nowakowski | Editor-in-Chief

Senior Dominique Ramos hunches over the outline of a package, eyes fixed on the stick of glitter in her hand.

“I think I’m using up all the silver,” she laughs, outlining her sketch of a jauntily wrapped package on the bright butcher paper.

Ramos joined a group of National Honor Society students last Monday afternoon in an after-hours effort to construct promotional materials for the organization’s ongoing toy drive.

“NHS announced it, and it got me interested,” senior Carlos Rodriguez, another volunteer, said. “I really hope that kids enjoy what we try to give for them.”

The drive asked students and other members of the Johnson community to bring new, unwrapped toys, video games and arts and craft supplies to the main office over the next two weeks. All donations will be placed at the Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital, in the ward for children facing cancer treatment.

“I think it’s really creative, and it’s really giving. I hope that a lot of kids end up with toys and art supplies to keep them happy while they’re in the hospital,” Ramos said.

While the entertainment value of the donations is certainly taken into account, NHS students have further wishes for the reach of the gifts that Johnson will bring to Christus Santa Rosa this holiday season.

“I really hope that they understand that there are people who care about them; that they know that they’re in someone’s prayers,” Rodriguez said. “We try to make their Christmas better. For them to feel like they have a normal life.”

The toy drive ended on December 16. For more information on the charity or on donations, students may contact Debbie Shewbridge or Brenda Vanek.

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NHS members come together for annual toy drive