The Key Club decorated roughly 200 cupcakes in total.
By Ivey McDaniel | Staff Writer
On Saturday, February 25, the division-5 Key Club held a Presidential Council meeting at Bandera High School to discuss upcoming projects and service opportunities while decorating cupcakes for the San Antonio Wounded Warrior project.
“We’re going to take the cupcakes to the soldiers at the center who are living there, going through various treatments now that they’re back,” junior Lieutenant Governor Christopher Brierly said.
The Wounded Warrior project is a national organization that helps injured service members aid and assist each other. The group also strives to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members.
“It’s just something nice for the soldiers to have, so that they know the community is thinking about them and appreciates everything they’ve done,” Brierly said.
Apart from decorating the cupcakes, officers and members from clubs around San Antonio met to discuss the positive things they’ve been doing.
“I learned what other clubs were doing and things we can borrow. I really like the idea of volunteering at the soup kitchen, nursing homes, and elementary schools,” said junior president Genesis Dimalanta.
Officers from Steele, Bandera, and JECA high schools came and offered new ideas- like setting up tables for freshman to sit at on the first day of school at lunch- that all clubs at the meeting could take away and implement in their own school communities.
“After today, I have a lot of new ideas for our club in the coming months. PCMs are so fun, because you help the community and meet other club members and you realize we all have the same goal: to make our community a better place,” Dimalanta said.
That afternoon, Brierly dropped of all 200 cupcakes at the Warrior center.