by Kenneth Rosa | staff writer
Revisions have been made on the AP Exam schedule that was released in preparation for this month’s upcoming AP exams.
“Students that are taking their exams in-person would have started Monday, May 3. Today we started with government. Tuesday, May 4, we have four exams scheduled, and pretty much the same throughout the week. And then beginning May 10-14, they’ll have exams everyday except for May 13,” CCMR Specialist Tenley Barrow said.
With COVID-19 still affecting this year, AP exams will remain available for students who wish to take the exam in-person or virtually.
“If you are a paper pencil tester, Monday, May 17 we will have one more group of tests that are going to be paper and pencil and after that it’s digital. So starting May 18 through basically June 11, they’ll be the digital exams,” Barrow said.
Administrators worked along with College Board to make changes to the schedule.
“College Board has changed a few things. One of the modifications was administration three. Administration three is now reserved for Physics, Calculus, Chemistry, Statistics, or extenuating circumstances,” Barrow said.
In the case that a student is incapable of taking the exam in-person there are plans in place to make sure that students will be able to take their exams.
“So let’s say a student contracted COVID-19, or something like that during administration two, then they would just need to contact me and I can move them over to admin three,” Barrow said. “But it’s important to know that in administration two and administration three, there are no paper and pencil exams with the exception of music theory or a language exam those are the only two exceptions.”
The schedule displays times for students who need to make up exams, which differed from the original schedule.
“It wasn’t so much make-up exams, I think that it’s just that College Board has given almost too many opportunities to students, like they have many choices and so that’s why it’s dragging out the exam time frame,” Barrow said. “Normally it would be two weeks including make-up exams and because they have a digital or paper-pencil options we’re testing for like a month and a half straight. So that’s probably the reason why we are testing for such an extended period of time.”
For students taking the exam in-person or digitally are urged to make sure they know when they need to take their exam.
“I’m pleading in with students to log into their college board accounts before their exam day and make sure that everything that they see looks correct. We had government this morning, I called a lot of parents and some of the kids hadn’t checked their account to see what day they were testing and things like that,” Barrow said.