by Darius Davila | Staff Writer
In the past, students had the burden of going to other schools for testing, but now the SAT will be administered on campus Oct. 6 for the first time in Johnson’s existence.
“To get Johnson to be an SAT testing site I had to get the school registered as a testing site through College Board,” counselor Shar Huffman said, “In the past we were the testing coordinator for Reagan, so it became more convenient for me just to have Johnson host the exam, and I think it’ll be convenient for students too.”
Counselors believe that having the SAT exam at Johnson will allow for students who are taking the test to have the upper hand.
“There is an advantage to taking the exam here because you don’t have the additional stress of getting lost, your more relaxed because your in a familiar environment, and it always makes students feel more comfortable on home campus,” Huffman said.
However, there are some who feel differently about hosting the SAT exam on campus.
“I don’t think where you take the SAT makes any difference. I don’t believe there is any type of advantage taking it at your homeschool,” senior Carlos Garcia said, “I took my SAT twice once at Reagan and the second time at Churchill, and I was satisfied with my grades.”
Those who wish to take the exam need to hurry and register if they have not already done so.
“This upcoming SAT will be the only testing date we will have on campus for awhile, and we will also be holding two ACT exam test dates here on campus,” Huffman said.