By Claire Carter| Staff Writer
Pinterest- where crafters and bakers from all over come together to brag about their success, or inspire DIY projects through photography. These ‘pins’ reveal a crafty paradise and elegant cuisine; but for some these pins are but a dream.
“I attempted to make cake batter rice krispie treats, but the batter hardened and turned brown before I could mold it, and the sprinkles turned to a powder,” sophomore Taylor Cantu said.

Such failures are referred to as a ‘pinstrosities’ and are made by inept amateurs who have yet to earn a culinary degree.
“The original ‘pinner’ is definitely a liar, because unless you have natural born talent, there is no way to succeed in this Pinterest task,” Cantu plays the blame game but admits, “It was all my fault because I didn’t read the directions before starting the task.”
Pinterest not only appeals to the daring baker, but for the aspiring cosmetologist. A variety of nail art and hair styles inspire ‘pinners’ of all ages, and experience.
“I tried to make a cheetah print nail design, but everything went wrong. My nails turned black and the polish spilled and stained the carpet,” sophomore Claire Clark said. “The main problem, though, was that the pin showed the design on a piece of paper, rather than a nail, so perfection was almost unreachable.”
“I go on Pinterest for outfit ideas, and I found a tie-dye shorts DIY project. But there was definitely something wrong with the directions,” sophomore Sarah Rodriguez said. “Apparently, you were supposed to dilute the bleach with water, because when I washed them after they were dyed, the shorts ripped apart at every seam and started to disintegrate.”
Although her craft proved failure, Rodriguez delights, “Pinterest is really great for outfit ideas and crafts, but it can only turn out perfect if you devote time and patience into it.”
Sophomore Grace McDaniel empathizes with Cantu’s failure. McDaniel’s attempt at a microwave mug cake went horribly wrong after she realized the cake was hardened to the mug, and was nearly inedible.
“The cake rose really high like bread then exploded in the microwave. I’ve found that a microwave just can’t bake a cake, but I do feel that the ‘pinner’ was at fault because I did follow all of the directions. Pinterest is only for the craftiest of crafters.” sophomore McDaniel said.
Users of Pinterest sign up for this crafty social network with high hopes of becoming the next Julia Child or Martha Stewart, yet sadly these dreams may never become reality.
“If you can pin it, you can win it,” said McDaniel.