by Matt McGouran | sports writer
Sophomore William Wallace is lacing up and putting on his helmet, but he is not heading onto a field. Instead, he grabs his skates and heads onto the ice.
When people think of sports in Texas, they usually come up with football or basketball. But, no one considers hockey to be a major sport in the state.
“I started playing hockey because I went to a Rampage game and really enjoyed it,” Wallace said.
Texas has plenty of football fields and basketball courts, but does not have many hockey rinks. Hockey rinks in San Antonio are very difficult to find, and to get to.
“The only ice rink in the San Antonio area is at Northwoods,” Wallace said, ”it’s difficult to travel to the ice rink a lot.”
The lack of hockey rinks makes it challenging to play the sport. But even though there are not many rinks, hockey players still find a way to continue to play.
“It’s very hard to play down here because there is only one hockey rink in the city,” sophomore Justin Wojcik said.
The hockey seasons are long and require a lot of time, effort, and money. Their seasons also cost them a lot of school days, and causes them to have a very tight schedule.
“I miss a lot of school because of hockey,” Wallace said, “it is very time consuming.”

The sport is very different than sports like football or baseball, but still has a large fanbase. Many fans follow hockey because they like how different and unique the sport is.
“I like hockey because I believe it takes a lot of skill to be able to hit and skate at the same time.” senior Adam Fontenote said.
Not only does the sport cost a lot of money, it is also filled with brutal hits and injuries. The sports injuries are usually significant and are a result of major hits.
“I have taken some hard hits,” Wojcik said, “fortunately, none of them have resulted in serious injuries.”
Although the sport is a very difficult sport to follow, especially in Texas, the sport still has a lot of loyal fans that follow and appreciate the sport.
“I became a hockey fan when my best friend introduced me to the sport,” Fontenote said,”I have a great appreciation for what they can do on the ice.”
Hockey is a sport that comes with many risks, but those who play or follow the sport feel that the money and time it takes to play or watch the sport is definitely worth it.
“Although it’s very difficult, I love playing hockey,” Wallace said.