At the district meet, the girls’ wrestling team placed third overall and the boys’ team took home the district championship. Individually, 20 wrestlers have qualified to advance in region. Varsity wrestling competed at the Chicken Wing Invitational in Houston and the girls’ team placed second overall. On Thursday, Jan. 23, they had a quad match where four teams competed in the school gym.
“It was really good, the team did really well and we dominated. I won our matches and it was amazing– and I loved seeing the team excel,” junior Miya Adair said.
Out of 27 teams, the Jags placed second overall at the Chicken Wing Invitational.
“It was an amazing tournament, our girls– we took second, it was amazing. And our girls have worked so hard this year,” Adair said. “My favorite memory was – I think just being able to watch the girls’ faces light up when they found out we got second because all our hard work had finally paid off.”
The Jags have practice every school morning from 6:30 to 8:15. Adair does club as well, so she practices twice a day, every day.
“One of the biggest things, we call it January grind because we have a pretty long season that is four months– I think. One of the biggest things is keeping your motivation, keepings that hard work going,” Adair said. “And one of the hardest things is being at practice [so much] and y’know I have practice so much and y’know– you have to grind through it. No matter how much you don’t want to go, you got to go. You got to improve so, keeping that mindset.”
According to Adair, wrestling runs in her family, but before she used to be a gymnast. She started wrestling a little over a year ago.
“That’s one thing I really like about wrestling- it’s such a competitive sport, but you’re surrounded by all these people who are competitive, hard working, but y’know– you’re kind,” Adair said. “So nobody ever takes it personal. So we’re all friends, we’re all a big family. Even from our rival schools like Reagan and Churchill. Y’know I have good friends that I have wrestled before.”