by Darius Davila | Staff Writer
As the end of the school year quickly approaches leaving only nine weeks left, scholarship opportunities become more scarce and for some deadlines are fast approaching.
“There are really always scholarships left but they do have deadlines so students need to be aware of those so they do not miss them,” counselor Shar Huffman said.

Students have multiple resources at their disposal that can help them find scholarship opportunities.
“I encourage students to start looking, on the counselor’s page of the Johnson website we have a list of scholarships that are available. We also have a Facebook and Twitter page named CTJ Guidance which contains direct links to scholarship opportunities,” Huffman said. “With both of those resources (Facebook/Twitter page and counselors page on the Johnson website) students would never need to come into the counseling office.”
Although it may come as a surprise, at this point in the school year students don’t have to fret over running out of scholarship opportunities
“There is never really a best time to apply for a scholarship, there are just so many scholarships out there. Like each school has it’s own scholarships and then each major may have their own scholarships as well, so student may need to just do some digging,” Huffman said.
There aren’t just a lot of scholarship opportunities out there, but there are also many different kinds.
“There are two types of scholarships, the merit based scholarship which is based on accomplishments like grades, and then there is need based scholarships which is for family financial situations. Additionally, there are renewable scholarships like the Rey Feo, meaning that if you maintain your GPA they will continue to give you the amount of money that you have been awarded,” Huffman said.