Darius Davila | Staff Writer
Right now a bill known as the HB5 or the “House Bill 5” is a piece of legislation that is on the verge of being passed unless the state Governor vetoes it by June 16.
This piece of legislation would alter the amount of credits a student needs for core classes in order to be able to graduate. The bill is geared towards students who may not go into a higher level of education such as college, or to better help students pursue their desired career paths by giving them specific educational classes that fit their desired occupations.

“Right now very little is known about the HB5, because there is little information being released about the bill, in fact we’re still trying to fully understand it and what it would mean for the school. What we do know is that it hasn’t been passed yet, but the chances of it not passing are slim,” Assistant Principal Donald Smith said.
If passed, the HB5 would bring with it a great deal of change.
“It reduces the number of EOC tests in high school that kids need to take in order to graduate from fifteen tests to five tests. It also gets rid of the fifteen percent requirement, because the EOC is fifteen percent of the student’s grade,” assistant principal Dr. Freeman Cone said.
How the bill will affect the school and it’s students remains to be seen.
“We don’t know all the details yet and how the texas board of education will implement it, but when a new bill is passed the TEA has to interpret it and determine how it will apply in practical applications,” Dr. Cone said.
The House Bill 5 will not only bring about change for the school and student’s graduation requirements, but it will also provide more opportunities for them.
“New legislation drastically changes graduation requirements, but it also opens up a broader set of opportunities for kids. It allows them to focus on specific occupational classes such as the medical field or law. This new legislation will also add new graduation plans for students,” Dr. Cone said.
Many underclassmen view the bill as being a great opportunity to focus on their future.
“I think if the bill does pass it will be an improvement of the school system, it will allow me to be able to take more classes that will help me become a better actress, not to mention it helps us out by cutting the amount of tests we have to take which is always great. Its a great idea and I think it really will help a lot of kids prepare for their future careers,” freshman Jubilee Davila said.