by Amon Jackson | Staff Writer
Have you ever loved a movie so much that you wished they made a sequel as awesome as the first? Then after they made the sequel they came out with a third and now you’re waiting for the eighth one to come out this summer? I’m not talking about movies like Star Wars and Harry Potter because they had a right to. I’m talking about the movies that had a good ending with the 5th one and for no good reason at all made 2 more movies. I’m talking to you, Fast and the Furious.
Let’s start with Rocky and Die Hard. Every guy remembers the first time they’ve seen one of these movies and they definitely remember how their dad got chewed out but their mom for letting you watch such a violent movie. But is was all worth it because the explosions, blood, and grown men punching each other in the face is flat out awesome. But you really have to ask yourself, how many times is John McClain going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and how many times can Rocky get punched in the face before he goes into a coma?
Then there are those movies where the sole purposes is to take your money like Fast and the Furious and Pirates of the Caribbean. I mean who doesn’t love pirates and fast cars! You can’t resist these movies and they know it! They put everything you want into a movie: action, violence, a little bit of comedy every now and then, famous actors, and then they release a new movie every year because they know you’re not going to miss out on the next chapter of your favorite story line. They should just make these movies into TV shows so we can stop spending money at the theater every year just to see what happens next.
And now the biggest crime makers when it comes to making sequels: every horror, scary, and slasher movie ever made. These type of movies are just horrible at making sequels. They just break the boundaries of how many movies you should have in a franchise. I mean really, Paranormal Activity is about to release their 5th movie. Why in the world would someone spend 20 dollars on a ticket and a snack for an hour long movie just to see a door close and a glass fall to the ground? Then there are those movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th. To sum it up, these movies consist of a bunch of teenagers getting chased around by a homicidal maniac with a kitchen knife that only kill on a special day of the year. Granted, these movies were actually watchable at first, but after the first two, they get annoying. And then there is Friday the 13th with 12 movies to its name, one remake, one collaboration with Nightmare on Elm Street called Freddy vs Jason, and there is even one where the main antagonist is in the future in outer space. The majority of both of these movie franchises consists of the antagonist coming back to life by possessing people despite a pretty convincing death in the previous movie. These movies are so stupid yet they continue to steal teenagers’ money because they know that teens love movies that scarier the crap out of them.
The people who make these movies are good writers but they just don’t know how to end their stories and they don’t have a limit to prequels. They don’t seem to have a concept of when the viewers are losing interest in the franchise. The movie makers just need to limit themselves to 3 of 4 movies and then maybe, just maybe, we’ll love them again.