by Kyndal Tillman | Staff Writer

Fashion changes seasonally, and last spring was filled with many different patterns. Spring fashion is the transformation between winter fashion and summer fashion. The 2014 spring look is coming soon, and will most likely consist of unique color combinations.
“I think this spring will probably be very colorful. When I go shopping I see a lot of pretty colored dresses. Whether it be maxi dresses, or above the knee, they are everywhere. I personally love wearing dresses. I think the colors are beautiful. I have seen mostly pastel blues, and pinks. I see a lot of yellows too,” sophomore Leslie Abonce said.
In the spring, almost anything goes as long as long as colors make a statement. Whether it’s a light color or a bright color, it just needs to stand out.
“Spring is an excuse to put a bunch of different patterns and colors together without looking unmatched. I see so many patterns during the spring, especially on shorts. Last spring there were tons of patterned shorts, and I know for fact that trend will come back this spring. I have a pair of shorts that are pastel pink with a yellow and white pattern on them. Again, wearing a lot of different colors gives you many options to choose from to put an outfit together,” Abonce said.
When it comes down to fashion rules, there is only one big rule that applies to spring fashion.
“The number one rule for spring fashion in my opinion is to not care. Just throw on a few colors, and as long as they don’t completely clash with each other, wear it. Any pastels look great together. You could always throw on a necklace or sandals that bring out the different colors in your outfit,” Abonce said.
Not only is clothing a big factor in spring fashion. Hair also plays a big role. Spring hair trends are approaching.
“Of course spring fashion is colorful, but I notice hair changes in the spring. Coming back from spring break, so many people had different hair colors, or are planning to do something different with their hair. In the spring, a lot of girls get their hair lightened. Fall and winter are dark hair seasons, and spring and summer are light hair seasons. That’s just the way it works in girl world,” junior Bella Granado said.
Whether it be highlights, or even something like ombré hair, color change is common in the spring.
“My personal favorite is the ombré hair. It screams warm weather. Just like clothing colors change, hair has to change. Highlights are also really pretty. They bring out the color in a persons skin, which is crucial for spring because we just retired from winter, when our skin shows little color. Another popular hair color for spring hair is the so called bronde color. This is basically hair that could be brown or blonde. Bronde hair is really pretty and a nice way to lighten up hair for spring. Spring is my favorite season for this reason. Everyone changes up their hair, and tries something different with their style, and it is always fun to see what other trends are in the making,” Granado said.