by Sam Abbas | staff writer
NEISD has hired Guido construction to construct concession stands and restrooms for the Johnson community. The concessions and restrooms will be finished before winter break and be ready to use for games and events in 2015.

“They are building a concession stand for the football, soccer and baseball and softball areas and built into the concession stand are men’s and women’s restrooms. The estimated date I’m told is before the winter break. So sometime in the middle of December, it should be all done,” assistant principal Stuart Guthrie said.
In previous years of outdoor events at Johnson spectators would have to journey to the locker rooms or main building to use the restroom. It posed a safety hazard as well as an inconvenience for attendees.
“Before this year, if you were out on the fields watching a football or soccer game, and you had to use the restroom, you had to walk all the way across the practice fields into the athletic building and use the restrooms there,” Guthrie said.
Even though it may be a hassle to use the restroom and buy snacks now, everyone at Johnson can look forward to a new restroom facility and a patio where everybody can order and receive food and beverages.

“There is going to be a big concrete patio where people can order their food and drinks. The concession stands will also be a lot nicer, we will have refrigerators, ice machines and other conveniences such as those instead of just selling it under a tent. It will be a good edition to our facilities here at Johnson and make coming to the games more enjoyable experience,” Guthrie said.
Carlos Estrada • Oct 13, 2014 at 5:43 pm
Great job Samuel!