by Amon Jackson | staff writer
We’ve been waiting for two years for this movie to come out and it’s finally here. After Paul Walker’s passing in 2013 we almost thought the film would not be made, but thanks to his brother and some good CGI they were able to keep Paul’s spirit alive in the movie.
I just want to start off by saying this movie was awesome. It had an awesome soundtrack, amazing stunts, comedy, and of course, some sexy cars. This movie goes back to the roots of the franchise and brings back some of the underground street racing that we all know and love. From Dom’s American muscle cars to Brian’s modded Nissan, this movie has the fastest and most furious cars any movie could ever have.

I’m not going to lie – I like this movie BUT there are a lot of things that are not so good about this movie. The CGI for Paul Walker’s face was very good in most parts of the movie, but the rest was just unbelievable and in a good way. It looked so fake. Yes, the actors and actresses did some stunts on their own, but the rest were all CGI. I’ll tell you right now, I’m not a big fan of CGI unless it’s for sci-fi films. I prefer real stunts over CGI stunts because you can obviously tell they’re fake. They even CGI fire in the movie and it looks like a middle schooler’s project for their film class.
There was also a lot of over the top action in the movie which I like. But how much is too much? Maybe the part where Dom (Vin Diesel) drives off a mountain in the woods and somehow survives? Or when Hobb (Dwayne the Rock Johnson) drives an ambulance off a highway into a flying military drone? How about when Dom and Brian (Paul Walker) steal a lykan hypersport and drive it through not one, not two, but three skyscrapers and still lives?
The verdict for this movie is 3 out of 4 Jag Paws. I love the Fast and Furious franchise but this movie could have been so much more than what it was. It just seemed like this movie was a action movie parody – a lot of over the top action that instead making you say “awesome” it makes you laugh at how stupid it was. I can go on for hours about this movie, but besides the stupid one liners that don’t fit, the horrible CGI, and Vin Diesel’s deep slurring, it was a good movie and it’s worth seeing with your friends.