by Travis Haese | Staff Writer
The longer lunches have seemingly created an increase in people leaving their trash around the cafeteria and outside areas and has become a concern for the administration and facilities caretakers.
“This is your school as much as it is mine. I don’t leave my trash laying around and I’m not sure why others leave theirs,” assistant principal Mitch Brown said. “The custodians clean up incidentals, it’s not their job to throw away a student’s trash.”
If this pattern continues there could be consequences.
“We have talked about not letting people eat outside if it doesn’t stop,” Brown said. “If it doesn’t get any better then we aren’t going to have a choice because the amount of trash left is just atrocious.”
The longer lunch period that students are enjoying this year could be contributing to the problem. Students are being encouraged to use that extra lunch time to study and get caught up on course work.
“We have opened up the MPR in the library where it’s quiet and students can read,” Brown said. “Whatever students want to do in there as long as it doesn’t disturb others.”
Emory • Dec 11, 2010 at 12:30 am
Seriously people. Don’t be lazy just throw your trash away.