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Valentines day gift guide

Valentines day gift guide

by Lauryn Hughes | arts editor

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and getting gifts for friends, family and significant others may seem like an difficult task, but My Jag News and Target is here to make the rush for love easier.

Food for Everyone:

Cost: 3.99

Heart Shaped Dove Chocolates: Chocolates are the staple candy that Valentines day revolves around and Dove chocolates are perfect to give to anyone. They’re not too pricey and there are many in one bag so you can share with multiple Valentines.


Mini Valentines M&M’s: Who ever said that mini M&Ms are better than regular sized M&Ms was a genius because they are which is why these mini tubes of them are a great and cheap gift to give for Valentines day. 

Cost: 2.99

Valentines Gobstoppers: Gobstoppers have always been one of my mom’s favorite candies so when they came out with a heart shaped pack for the holiday she was super excited. These sweet treats are something that anyone can enjoy and they will last them for a while. 

Cost: 4.79

Lindor Chocolates: If you’re looking for something a bit more special for your valentines Lindor chocolates are perfect. They are so good and the packaging is nice to look at so just stick a few in a cute bag with a card and you’re done. 

Cost: 2.99

Swedish Fish Hearts: Swedish Fish are amazing in their original fish form but when the candy is shaped as a heart it makes it ten times better. These would be so cute to give to your friends or family for Valentines day to share your love.

Cost: 1.00

Valentine Nerds: Nerds are a timeless candy, from elementary school to now we still get nerds for Christmas and Valentines day so why not share this sweet and sour candy with your Valentines.


For Couples:

Cost: 9.99

Stuffed Animals: What better and more classic way to show your significant other that you love them that with stuffed animals. These bears are the perfect and most cute gift you can share for Valentines day.

Cost: 9.99

Couple Mugs: These mugs are probably the cutest couple mugs that I’ve seen. Fill it up with chocolate candies, maybe a card, and just like that you have an easy and cute gift to give to your Valentine.

Cost: 9.49

Valentines Blanket: For couples there would be no better way to spend Valentine’s day than keeping each other company. With this fuzzy blanket couples can curl up on a couch and watch cheesy Valentines day movies for as long as they want.

Cost: 9.99

Lindor Chocolate Heart: This Lindor chocolate box is a sweet way to show your valentine that you love them because nothing says I love you more than a heart shaped box of chocolates.

Cost: 5.99

Avo-Cuddle chocolate: If you want something special that you and your valentine can share together then this then this chocolate is the way to go. This avocado is made of white and milk chocolate making it a sweet treat that you and yours can share this Valentines day.

Cost: 4.49

Picture Frame: Photos are one of the best gifts you can give to someone, besides food, so why not make your photos stand out with this adorable photo frame where you can put a picture of you and your Valentine for a meaningful gift.


For your Friends (girls and guys):

Cost: 9.99

Popsockets: Popsockets are one of the biggest trends in phone accessories so why not share one with a friend. This avocado Popsocket is super cute and would be a great gift to give to your friends for Valentines day.

Cost: 5.00 each

Candles: Candles are a cute and safe gift to get a friend when you’re not quick sure what to get. These candles are made in cute Valentines colors and they smell fruity and fresh making them an easy and fun gift to give.

Cost: 4.00

Socks: Socks are a flawless gift for girls and guys no matter when you give them. These socks just so happen to match the theme of Valentine’s day with the heart print fabric they are made with making them a perfect gift for anyone you need a Valentine for.

Cost: 4.99

Bath Bombs: If you have a friend who likes beauty or luxury these adorable bath bombs are the way to go. With a clean and fresh smell that can be enjoyed by all ages you can go wrong with these macaron bath bombs.

Cost: 9.99

Mugs: For a fun time with friends matching mugs is the way to go. From hot chocolate to coffee nothing says I love you more than sharing cute and “punny” mugs with your friend.

Overall no matter what gift you choose to give to your Valentines all that matters is the thought that is put into them. 

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  • V

    Vicki HughesFeb 19, 2020 at 2:36 pm

    Great ideas! We enjoy your articles.

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Valentines day gift guide