by Chloe Jordan | staff writer
While this year has started off distanced and online, campus policies still apply to students.
“If somebody’s misbehaving on the Zoom, [teachers] could turn the camera off or [teachers] could remove them from the zoom, and they could participate asynchronously at that point,” Assistant Principal Steven Berg said.
Common discipline issues can still occur if students aren’t aware of what is in the view of the camera or aren’t careful with how they act and what they say because behavior can still be an issue over Zoom.
“If they are not participating in the zooms, they could still do the work asynchronously and get the credit for attendance, but if they’re not doing the zooms, and they’re not doing it asynchronously, then they could get into some legal trouble,” Berg said.
Students will be receiving emails to let them know how they can recover credit if there are any technical issues, but should still participate in Zooms if they’re able.
“We usually give the kids a couple of chances to make detention, realizing, hey, things happen sometimes and they just can’t make it,” Berg said. “So we’ll work with them, but if they consistently can’t find their way to detention, then it probably becomes an in-school suspension.”
If a student needs to participate in detention, it will be before and after school, but there will not be Saturday or lunch detentions when students are able to go back to school in-person. Administrators are addressing the need for more space by considering moving detention to computer labs.
“I’m sure cyberbullying is going to be something we deal with, more this year than we have in the past,” Berg said.
Teachers have a basic protocol for behavior issues.
“If it’s kind of minor, they put the kid in a breakout room and just talk to them real quick and remind them about expectations,” Berg said. “If it doesn’t improve, then they contact their parents. If it still doesn’t improve, then they’ll let an administrator know.”