by Chloe Jordan | tech editor
The shift from pure isolation and confinement to crowded hallways and talkative classrooms. Backpacks zipping, pages turning, pencils sharpening. All things that define a classroom, which have been untouched for nearly a year. Many students have chosen to come back to in-person school later in the year, freshman Elizabeth Farias being one of them, arriving to her first day of school on Feb. 1.
“I wanted to come back to school because I missed interacting with people,” Farias said. “Also because I wasn’t being very productive at home and never left the house; I got tired of being cooped up inside.”
Many students, especially freshman, are having to get used to a normal school schedule, including getting ready for the day and navigating classes.
“Getting out of my pajamas every day has been hard,” Farias said. “Also having to arrive at all of my classes on time. Maneuvering around this school can be hard sometimes.”
Some students come to the conclusion that in-person learning benefits them with a set schedule and organized day.
“I gain a daily routine,” Farias said. “When I was at home, I never had a systematic routine, so I went through all of my days in an unorganized way and it made me feel very lazy.”
Sleeping in and having more time in the morning has been a perk many students have taken advantage of.
“I miss being able to wake up late and having enough time to myself so that I never felt rushed,” Farias said.
Many students enjoy the calming atmosphere of their own homes and the serenity of knowing they’ll have extra time to themselves to walk their dogs or eat.
“In person, you have to participate in classes a lot more. You have to get ready every day and socially interact a lot,” Farias said. “I feel like I don’t get as much relaxing time, but that’s because my mom works here and I have to show up early, as well as having rehearsal after school.”
Extracurriculars seem to be easier to access transportation-wise and time-wise for in-person students.
“I get to go to my theatre rehearsals after school quickly,” Farias said. “I don’t have to worry about rushing there like I did when I was still virtual.”
Some classes are more interactive in-person, which allows students to enjoy them more.
“My science class, biology, is a lot better,” Farias said. “I get to participate in the labs we do, plus my teacher is super nice, and I like interacting with her.”
Ian Stewart • Apr 9, 2021 at 9:54 am
This was a great read! I am glad that other students are finding a way to make their school year enjoyable.