by Isai Carmona | sports editor
Senior and junior girls will face off in the annual Powder Puff flag football game on April 14.
“Powder puff is a football game where the girls act as the football players, and the guys are the cheerleaders,” Senior class officer Caitlin Gonzales said.
This is a long-standing traditions offered to upperclassmen.
“Johnson has been doing it since they opened,” Gonzales said. “The men are going to be the coaches because obviously we don’t know how to play on our own, but they also are cheerleaders, it’s kind of like flipping the roles of traditional Texas football.”
Although only upperclassmen can participate, all students are welcome to attend.
“This will be at 5:00 pm on the main football field. Other students can reach out and offer to cheer. We already have all of our players but we do need more cheerleaders so if you are a senior or junior guy that wants to cheer, let us know,” Gonzales said. “We are not charging admission so just come out to the football field and watch us have fun.”