by Madelyn Carter | Staff Writer

As the fourth nine weeks winds down, homework is dwindling away as well; either because teachers are getting lazy and don’t want to assign it, or because we’ve all caught senioritis along with the class of 2011. Though we’re overjoyed with this vanishing nuisance, some of us don’t know how to fill our time after school! That’s why I, Madelyn Carter, am here to help fill your time with influential videos that may change your life and tweak your abs with the hilarity. If you are indeed a human being, chances are you’ve been to YouTube before and you know about “Charlie bit my finger” and “Friday”, but I’m here to recommend some videos you hopefully haven’t seen before.
Harvard Sailing Team is a group on YouTube that never fails to provide sarcastic, stupid humor. As an added bonus, none of them ever went to Harvard or know how to sail. Their video, “Boys will be girls,” is basically four guys acting like girls, pretty realistically.
You either love or hate “Marcel the shell with shoes on.” A talking shell will giant eyes, a whiny voice, and a squeaky walk has me falling over laughing, and will have the same effect on you if you catch on to Marcel’s anecdotes.
Mad TV is a sketch comedy show that filmed from 1995-2008. With hundreds of skits and memorable characters, it was basically SNL, just shown on FOX. “Stewart and the babysitter” is one of the many “Stewart…” skits about a grown man playing the role of a little boy with a menacing, yet innocent, attitude.
“You forgot blueberries,” is really just a fruit salad catastophe that I can’t say much about without ruining the video, so enjoy.
If you haven’t seen “Cute cats playing patty-cake” yet, you haven’t lived. How they got these cats to do this, I don’t know, but thank goodness they did.
If this isn’t enough for you, you could always go with some College Humor videos, which are a little more mature, but if you can handle it, they’ve made hundreds of videos that are sure to get a laugh out of you.
If you have reached the point where you have many hours of empty time, nothing is more perfect to waste your time with then some quality Saturday Night Live skits. At, you can watch the last 5 full episodes that have aired. But if you’re like me and want to skip the “ehh..” ones and get to the funny ones, they have hundreds of skits, digital shorts, and weekend updates on there too.