If you’re interested in reaching out to the students and families of the Johnson High School community, there is no better way to do it than with an ad in our online student newspaper. Your ad will be seen by our students and their families potentially everyday and can even include a link to your business site.
Here’s how to order your advertisement: 1. Fill out the necessary information for your order. 2. Select the appropriate ad size 3. Upload the file(s) that will be needed to create your ad or the ad itself. 4. Give special instructions (if applicable) 5. Press the submit button 7. Print your own invoice. Your submission ID is your invoice #. FULL PAYMENT must be in by the first MONDAY of the month you wish to advertise in.
Make checks payable to CTJHS and remit payment to:
Velisa Jewett – Newspaper Adviser 23203 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78258
Go to http://tw.neisd.net/webpages/vjewet/forms.cfm?myForm=1508 to submit your ad.
1. This order form MUST be attached with the advertisement unless noted otherwise. (We prefer a JPEG, PDF) 2. Payment for newspaper ads is due immediately and we will not run the ad until payment is received. Payment confirmation will be sent via e-mail address provided. *Notice: We reserve the right to refuse advertisers.