by Darius Davila | Staff Writer

Once the final nine weeks of the year rolls around, students begin to count down the days until summer vacation. However, not every student will necessary get a work-free summer vacation, filled with pure fun and relaxation; some plan on getting a summer job.
“I plan on getting a job at Lazy Daze this summer, because there are things that I see and want but can’t afford. So getting a job will enable me to buy these things,” junior Ben Valdez said.
Although the idea of making money by earning it seems ideal, some students somewhat dread having to work over summer vacation.
“I currently have a job at Discount Tire Company and I plan to keep my job there, because the pay is awesome. However, I know that it will interfere with my summer vacation, because if certain plans are made too soon, you won’t be able to take the days off to fulfill your plans; you [would] have to request that particular day off within a certain amount of time,” junior Bryan Miller said.
Summer jobs, according to some, are valuable for more than just making one’s own money, but also for the lessons learned.
“I believe kids having a summer job or a job in general makes them more responsible, because it makes them more mature and you learn life lessons from co-workers and bosses,” Miller said.
There are some counselors who feel that getting a summer job in high school may not always be a good idea.
“It’s a difficult thing, because I think it’s always a good idea to work and earn your own money because it builds responsibility and you gain the experience of gaining your own money,” counselor Shar Huffman said, “But at the same time, looking back at it as an adult, you’re going to be working for the rest of your life, and there are so many opportunities in the summer to prepare you for college and really beneficial programs. So some students need to slow down and enjoy their work-free teenage years, while others need to get a job to understand the value and responsibility of earning money.”