Emily Jimenez|staff writer AR
After four unsuccessful attempts, Johnson High School beat Churchill High School in a tennis match. The event took place at 3:30 on September 25 at the Blossom Athletic Center. Churchill has been

their toughest competitor, but Johnson finally got the upper hand, with the final score being 10-4.
Coach Reno said the key to success in tennis is “about how you start your practices in August and maintain a schedule that will allow your team to get better.”
The players on both sides were consistent throughout their games. Coach Reno said “,Everything came together on the court.”
Sophomore Britt Youngblood won the deciding match. Youngblood, Coach Reno, and the rest of the tennis team were very proud of how their match results.
“I was really nervous the whole match,” Youngblood said, “after I won it I was really excited.”
Although Youngblood was not lifted into the air by the teammates he did say, “They jumped up and down, we hugged, it was beautiful.”
“A district title will be a lot of fun to bring here to Johnson,” Coach Reno said.