by Nick Casarez | staff writer
If you’re a guy, you’ve probably had to deal with girls recently talking nonstop about some movie called, “The Vow” or whatever right? Sure it sounds like just another chick flick that you’d never dream of seeing unless a pretty girl dragged you there on a date, but I’m here to tell you it may actually be worth your time and money.
This is a movie that for those of you guys who have or are in love, you can really relate to Channing Tatum’s character Leo, as he has to deal with something worse than not having his wife. Having her, but with no recollection of him whatsoever. He’s forced to give his best efforts in an attempt to get her to remember him and the life they once had, despite extreme opposition from her disproving family. He also must deal with an old flame of hers, who is the last man she remembers being with, that is trying to win back her heart as well. Throughout all of their trials, Paige (Rachel McAdams) and Leo drift apart. Being apart, Paige is able to follow the steps she took in the past and change into the girl she was before the accident, and things begins to fall together again.
It’s could be a valuable teaching tool for guys, like many of these movies are, and could teach guys how to treat a girl right or even give them ideas for special things to do for girlfriends or just girls they’re interested in. Having an attractive female lead is always a bonus for guys, and who doesn’t like Rachel McAdams? Even though her hair was a little odd throughout the movie.
It’s clear that these mushy, gushy movies aren’t easy for us guys to sit through, but give this one a chance. It’s got a solid plot, very good acting, and even some laughs here and there. And if all of that wasn’t good enough for you then its only fair that you know you’d be missing out on Rachel McAdams in her underwear.