by Travis Haese | Staff Writer
Summer school will be held at Madison High School this year, and many students are planning to enroll. Getting signed up is a quick and easy process. Each semester is equivalent to 14 days of instruction; classes will meet Monday through Thursday. There will only be one Friday class on July 8 because Monday, July 4 is a holiday.
“There are two available class periods,” counselor Shar Huffman said. “The morning session runs from 8-12, and the afternoon session from 1-5.”
Students planning to fit in a full year course will need to register for both ‘semesters’. Students completing a semester course will be able to choose when to take it.
“First semester is from June 13-July 6, and second semester is from July 7-July 28,” Huffman said.
Bus service from host schools to Madison will be provided, but students are responsible for transportation to the host school. It costs $85 for bus transportation. Students also need to pay tuition; the total amount will depend on what the student signs up for. For one semester the total cost is $150, and for both semesters the total cost is $250. There is also a non-refundable $5 processing fee.
“The preferred method for registering is online at the NEISD webpage under ‘summer school’ on the right hand side of the screen,” Huffman said. “You can sign up in person at the counseling office and register with one of your counselors. Students can also go in person to Madison High School on June 9 and 10 for in-person registration.”